~The Home Store Way
So now that you have joined the Q, I am going to tell you how to customize your Q with the THRIVE foods you want!
1. LOGIN at
a. If you've recently attended one of our parties, you should have received an email with a temporary password. You will need that password and your email. Be sure to use that password so you are tied to the party you attended! EVEY HOST LOVES THOSE BENEFITS!!
2. CLICK on the orange tab that says (THE Q Your Home Store)
3. CLICK on (Manage My Q)
4.CLICK on the (+ Add Items) link; located on the left hand side of the screen
You will now see the complete THRIVE food products list!
5.From here you add the foods you want by clicking the green +ADD tab located under each food item.
Check to see if the size of can you want is displayed; If you want a different size or a case click on the blue UP and DOWN will then see the available options
SHIP DATE (the date your card is charged and you order is placed, generally you will have your order at you front door within 2-3days!!)
After your first 3 shipments you will be able to change your ship date. During the first 3 shipments, your shipdate will remain locked. ( if you need to change this date contact Aleah OR Raelynn)
BUDGET AMOUNT (the amount of money you are spending each month on THRIVE foods!!)
After your first 3 shipments you are welcome to adjust your budget amount! I AM SURE IT WILL INCREASE BECAUSE YOU WILL REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU REALLY DO LOVE THRIVE FOODS!!!
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