Monday, May 27, 2013

Yogurt Fruity Cereal

This is an amazingly simple breakfast.

Rice crispy cereal (or other of choosing)
One vanilla yogurt
3 freeze dried whole strawberries (crumble with fingers)
3 freeze dried pineapple (again crumbled in your hands)
Mix together in your bowl and enjoy.


Love Helpy Leah!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good Morning Scrambled Eggs

Wow I am thoroughly impressed with THRIVE eggs this morning. It Started as an orange-ish powder and walla... out came some fluffy scrumdelicious scrambled eggs. I am in love and so are my well fed children. I prepped by adding water to the egg powder mixture and then put them in my pan, I was especially impressed by how they cooked so evenly.

Second with my regular eggs I added reconstituted Thrive fteeze dried shredded cheese and just threw in the THRIVE freeze dried green bell peppers, then i toppped with el pato and toosed into a tortilla.  So yummy.

The only thing missing was the BACON, that will be here tomorrow... Yeah!

Have a good morning in your Thriving life.

Aleah (aka Helpy Leah)

Friday, May 17, 2013

 ~The Home Store Way

So now that you have joined the Q, I am going to tell you how to customize your Q with the THRIVE foods you want!

1. LOGIN at
     a. If you've recently attended one of our parties, you should have received an email with a temporary password. You will need that password and your email. Be sure to use that password so you are tied to the party you attended! EVEY HOST LOVES THOSE BENEFITS!!

2. CLICK on the orange tab that says (THE Q Your Home Store)
3. CLICK on (Manage My Q)
4.CLICK on the (+ Add Items) link; located on the left hand side of the screen
You will now see the complete THRIVE food products list!
5.From here you add the foods you want by clicking the green +ADD tab located under each food item.

     Check to see if the size of can you want is displayed; If you want a different size or a case click on the blue UP and DOWN will then see the available options

SHIP DATE (the date your card is charged and you order is placed, generally you will have your order at you front door within 2-3days!!)
   After your first 3 shipments you will be able to change your ship date. During the first 3 shipments, your shipdate will remain locked. ( if you need to change this date contact Aleah OR Raelynn)

BUDGET AMOUNT (the amount of money you are spending each month on THRIVE foods!!)
    After your first 3 shipments you are welcome to adjust your budget amount! I AM SURE IT WILL INCREASE BECAUSE YOU WILL REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU REALLY DO LOVE THRIVE FOODS!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1: Food Storage Organization, Where to Begin!

Just mentioning "food storage" or "emergency preparedness" can create a wide range of random thoughts and ideals; for many it may refer to being involved in some extremist groups that you want to have no part in, for others it may be something you try to think about and plan but never really get it done, and for others you may question what the heck "food storage" is.  

This is the begging of a series that may offer light to the expert or a boost for the beginner.

I will have easy printables to help you track what you currently have compared to what you need. Yeah! Once you have a plan you can do anything.

What do you have in your home that could help you provide for yourself, family and or neighbors in  many emergency instances such as; natural disasters, job loss, death, seperation and or divorce.

Build a food storage and use it as your "home store". Learn with me how to use what you have to organize effectively your yummy Thrive Home Store.

In order to maintain your home store, rotate with me and use it to save money and loads of time in our daily cooking.

These topics plus more will be available in the coming posts. I look forward to your comments.  Thanks all!


If I had to pick my favorite thing about THRIVE LIFE, honestly it would be The Q. I absolutely LOVE all the products that Thrive Life offers, but The Q has made getting those great products so EASY, convenient and affordable!

What is The Q?
The Q is like NetFlix, but instead of movies you are getting YUMMY freeze dried foods! When you set up your Q you will get to add the foods/products you need (your Q is 100% coustomizable to your wants/needs)... you add those foods into a wish list so to say. After you've added all the foods/products you want, its time to determine your budget amount! This amount will be what you are spending each month on foods/products you've added into your wishlist. Weather your budget is $100.00 or $300.00 it is completely up to you!

Summary: After you have added the products, set your budget amount & selected your ship date, you are ready to start your shipments!

Can I save money on THRIVE products??
When you order through your Q, you get The Q pricing...isn't that so GREAT! There are three ways to save money when ordering. Order through a consultant...please check out our websites! Order at a party... and by joining The Q! Our consultant webpage pricing is less then ordering from ThriveLife directly and The Q pricing is less then the consultant webpage prices. Save money on THRIVE products by doing a Q! Q members also get Monthly Specials and Q-pons(i just love it)